Last July, an event was held to raise awareness of the issue of energy poverty in the community, taking advantage of a cultural event promoted by the municipality to celebrate the International Friendship Day. The event consisted of a musical comedy entitled ‘Velhos são os Trapos’, a show about social exclusion and old age, with lots of humor and music.
The target audience for this event included elderly and/or disabled people living in Coimbra, their families, friends, as well as formal or informal carers and other professionals who, directly or indirectly, work towards healthier, more active and participatory ageing.
The REVERTER team set out to increase the elderly population’s awareness of the importance of indoor air quality and the need to ventilate spaces so that they can enjoy better conditions for ageing, since the indicators and references for thermal comfort are not well understood by this population.
It is our role to include and not leave anyone behind; to draw attention to the importance of social relationships in combating social isolation and unwanted loneliness, and to encourage older people to participate more, in line with the Action Plan for Active and Healthy Ageing (2023 – 2026).