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Project REVERTER Deliverables

Deliverable 3.1
Global methodology

This deliverable provides the global methodology for the pilots and the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) strategy of the REVERTER project. The deliverable discusses three critical issues to be considered when piloting this project or replicating it elsewhere, namely the ethical and data protection considerations (Section 3.3), the stakeholder networking (Section 3.4.), and the sustainability, replication, and exploitation of project results (Section 3.5) and presents the implementation plan in each pilot area.

Deliverable 3.2
Identification of EP hotspots and capacity building needs

The findings of this deliverable serve, at project level, as input for ongoing/future tasks of the project and, at a broader level, as a guide and inspiration for future research and improvements in EP diagnosis. At the project level, secondary and primary data were analysed in order to determine the levels of energy poverty in each pilot area. Specifically, we investigated to what extent the characteristics of the buildings stock and the used heating and cooling systems, the local climatic conditions, the households’ income and the respective energy expenditure, the households’ knowledge and attitudes on energy use, the penetration of energy saving measures and the barriers of their implementation influence the energy poverty levels as well as the effectiveness of the policies implemented to tackle the problem. The specific characteristics identified in each pilot area, even at the cultural level, combined with the existing institutional framework and subsidised energy saving programmes will be exploited by the project partners for the finalisation of the roadmaps, the design of the OSSs, and the preparation of tailormade materials for community capacity building programmes.

Deliverable 3.3
Training material

This deliverable summarises the basis for the establishment of the training program by identifying relevant training materials for the aforementioned topics, identifies and analyses the different groups of trainees, discusses appropriate topics to be specifically targeted at the different trainees’ groups, develops the educational curriculum and lays out an indicative training agenda.

The detailed training modules are presented in Annexes I and II of the deliverable. It is noted that for some training topics (e.g., national legislation), the English version provides only summary information; the detailed text will be available in REVERTER pilot’s national languages. Finally, Annex III presents the first leaflet that has been created to provide vulnerable households with practical tips on how to reduce their energy bills and improve their well-being.