The REVERTER project
The REVERTER stands for Deep REnovation roadmaps to decrease households VulnERability to Energy poveRty. The REVERTER project is funded under the LIFE Programme with under the Grant Agreement No 101076277.
The main objective of
the REVERTER project
By providing tenants or landlords with comprehensive information and realistic building renovation solutions, the REVERTER consortium aims to reduce energy poverty in Europe.
Analysis to provide
Consortium will perform detailed analysis of the characteristics of energy poverty in 4 pilots to provide realistic solutions adopted to the needs and possibilities of the households. As a result, 9 roadmaps will be developed.
Trainings and community engagement
REVERTER will implement community engagement campaigns, trainings and will advise households on improvement of their levels of comfort or reduction of energy costs. Consortium will establish on-site and digital One-Stop-Shops in all pilots Implement.
Dissemination and exploitation of project results
The project results will be exploited to reduce the energy poverty beyond the 4 pilot regions. The REVERTER approach can be replicated and used in other municipalities in the pilot countries as well as in other EU countries.
The need for this project
Energy poverty is a crucial social-economic problem of the current society, as it deprives people of a basic standard of living and quality of life. There are several factors associated with EP, but it is mainly connected with three causes: high energy costs, low household income and energy-inefficient buildings. The consortium of REVERTER project will develop 9 roadmaps to alleviate energy poverty by addressing the poor energy efficiency of dwellings.
- Income
- Energy prices*
- Energy consumption (level)
*: exogenous
- Energy consumption (type)*
- Type of heating system & share of central heating*
*: exogenous
- Tenure system*
- Housing characteristics*
*: exogenous
Energy poverty occurs when energy bills represent
a high percentage of consumers’ income, or when they
must reduce their household's energy consumption to a
degree that negatively impacts their health and well-being.
The REVERTER consortium consists of organisations with different backgrounds and from different European regions representing universities, non-profit organization, public entities, SMEs and research institute.