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Useful Resources on Energy Poverty in Europe

REVERTER Hub provides policymakers, municipality representatives, EU citizens and stakeholders with links to resources that provide interesting, valuable and insightful information from various angles on energy poverty in Europe. 

Training materials for OSS

The REVERTER training materials are designed for national and regional authorities, as well as organizations, seeking to establish One-Stop Shops to support building renovation efforts in their areas. These resources provide essential guidance to facilitate energy-efficient renovations and combat energy poverty.

Main target audiences to be interested in this resource:

Organisations that plan to establish OSS 100%
Research organisations 70%
National, regional and local authorities 90%
Energy regulatory authorities 80%
Consumer associations 75%
Training material OSS
Webinar - Presentation of the Covenant of Mayors' pillar on Energy Poverty

The Covenant of Mayors Office Europe – in collaboration with the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) – provided guidance to signatories on how they could alleviate energy poverty at the local level and helped them reach their energy poverty goals.

Main target audiences to be interested in this resource:

Policy makers 100%
Research organisations 92%
Local authorities 90%
NGOs 88%
Consumer associations 86%
Webinar - Presentation of the Covenant of Mayors' pillar on Energy Poverty
Training materials

Training materials developed by the Power Poor project and aimed at various target audiences. These training materials are available in different languages. 

Main target audiences to be interested in this resource:

NGOs 100%
Research organisations 96%
Consumer associations 92%
Citizens 88%
Training materials
Knowledge sharing by Renonbill – Horizon 2020 project

You can find various types of information and knowledge developed by the Renonbill consortium – infographics, reports, factsheets, brochures and more.

Main target audiences to be interested in this resource:

Policy makers 100%
Research organisations 96%
National, regional and local authorities 92%
Energy regulatory authorities 89%
Consumer associations 86%
Knowledge sharing by Renonbill – Horizon 2020 project
EPAH Report: Tackling energy poverty through local actions ‒ Inspiring cases from across Europe

This report displays a series of 24 inspirational cases of how energy poverty can be alleviated at the local level. The report is available in 24 languages.

Main target audiences to be interested in this resource:

Policy makers 100%
NGOs 96%
Research organisations 92%
National, regional and local authorities 89%
Energy regulatory authorities 86%
Consumers associations 84%
EPAH Report: Tackling energy poverty through local actions ‒ Inspiring cases from across Europe
EU Energy YouTube account

Educating and informing citizens on various energy-related issues – webinars, informative materials and more.

Main target audiences to be interested in this resource:

NGOs 100%
Consumers associations 96%
Citizens 92%
EU Energy YouTube account
Energy Cities

Energy Cities is a community of several hundred local authority representatives from 30 countries. The network gathers frontrunners and energy transition beginners, city officials and technical experts. Energy Cities publishes and collects a lot of great information on projects, initiatives and various resources. You can filter information by predefined tags.

Main target audiences to be interested in this resource:

NGOs 100%
Local authorities 96%
Consumers associations 92%
Citizens 88%
Energy Cities